262 More Words

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Did Arsène Wenger go on holiday in the end? If he did, I hope he switched his mobile off. The fallout continues from yesterday's decision, and the more I think…

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What’s TA Up To?

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Here's an interesting thing: According to this report, former Arsenal defender Tony Adams (you may have heard of him) has been scouting for Arsenal in Holland. Interesting on two counts…

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Get Set, Go!

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If Pat's kick high and right of Les Dawson at the Millennium Stadium signalled the end of the season (and near pandemonium amongst the Arsenal hordes), then it also seems…

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Oooh Me Nerves

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I can confidently predict that I will be as nervous as a grouse on 12th August by tomorrow morning. Truth be told, I'm fidgeting badly and staring blankly and we're…

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