And Back We Go

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So it's our chums up north in the final - expect loads of old yarns about pizzas and vendettas to fill the papers between now and 21st May. It's the…

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Money Talks

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For Arsene Wenger, the extra revenues our stadium will bring cannot come soon enough, I suspect. The Times this morning reports that Chelski are ready to offer £18m to sign…

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Giant Strides

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There's an interesting piece about Phil 'Big' Senderos in this morning's Standard, covering his meteoric rise in 2005. It has been pretty amazing, thinking about it. Following the win against…

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So Patrick doesn't like having to play the semi-final of the FA Cup in the same venue as the final. It takes away from the occasion, he reckons, and he's…

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Old School Tie

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It's another old-boy reunion story: Several weeks ago, Reading's Steve Sidwell was linked with a move back to Highbury, and now it's the turn of another Englishman who didn't play…

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