Arsenal price rises: Poll & reaction

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So tickets at Arsenal have gone up 6.5% as suggested. I’ll try to update this later with some more thoughts – suffice to say, like many Arsenal fans, in the context of the wider economic climate this feels to me like a painful price rise.

First though, a poll aimed at season ticket holders:

Secondly, I had a play around with a tool called Storify following the announcement of price rises. It’s a curation tool that lets you import content from web pages, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, AudioBoo, RSS etc. I could have added a lot more content – tweets from others, mainly – but just did the below as a test. If you have any feedback let me know here, on Twitter or on the Facebook page.


Arsenal since about 1979. Thick, thin and all that.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Mark Brosnan

    Ok forget the Club level and media hype, but really people lets get some context here. I am not alone in having a beer and getting a programme. so the price raise is from £3 -£4 and max’s out at £6 -£7 per home game. My expediture is more, so if I want to hit back I save on the drinks and get to watch the game. I know some fans will have broken the bank to afford their tickets but don’t blame the club when it’s really in your hands.

    1. East Lower

      Fair comment – doesn’t disguise that we pay the highest season ticket prices in the country.

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