And here it is: following hot on the heels from one of Wenger’s ultimate capitulations comes his “ultimate test”.
Hoisting the white flag is not an option tonight, and you can be absolutely guaranteed that a game might break out. There is no room for error. Nor is there any room for resting our top players or leaving our will to fight back in the dressing room. Sagna will return, Clichy will return, Flamini will return, Adebayor will return – and that will make a massive difference.
Naturally, the van Persie Wing at the Arsenal General Hospital will still be busy enough, with the usual balsawood suspects still out (RvP himself, Rosicky as ever, plus Diaby, Djourou and Almunia).
It’s without doubt the biggest game at the Grove to date, and the first time we have drawn AC Milan in the Champions League. The atmosphere will be a-buzzing. I’m lucky enough to be one of the 60,000 present, I have my lucky scarf, and I come armed with substantial lung power.
I’m giddy already.