Giddy Excitement – New Season Ticket Arrives

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So Arsenal are cleared of any wrongdoing with the Beveren thing – and the story can now go away. I saw the programme in question and was impressed with David Mellor, one of the panellists, who seemed to see through it straight away. Anyway, suffice to say we’re not now going to get relegated, ejected from the Champions League and flagellated in public.

And I tell you what, despite the England quarter-final tomorrow, I’ve already started to get just a touch excited by the new domestic season, primarily of course as a result of the new stadium. All the interweb photos make it look even better than I thought it would be, and then yesterday, plop kerplunk, there was my new season ticket on the mat. Cue: dreamy excitement, the kind of which a man my age should not be experiencing.

And as we all knew it would be, it’s completely different – gone are the red books with raffle-style tickets and stubs, and in comes the credit-card season ticket, supplied with a red faux-leather wallet. With it comes a DVD telling you the best way to get to your seat, and I’m particularly delighted that my matchday experience will change little. Out the Arsenal tube, turn right rather than left, and, well, that’s about it.

Only thing is, I’ll be in the north end of the ground. Still lower, but not east. Sort of north-east lower.

The name’s redundant.


Arsenal since about 1979. Thick, thin and all that.