The new shirt’s out today, and that’s today’s news. Lovingly and roll-off-the-tonguingly known as the Redcurrant commemorative shirt©, it’s in the shops and baying for your money. They’ve been having a spot of fun with it over on too with a sepia-tinted clip of the photoshoot, complete with a Cholmondeley-Warner style commentary. Everyone’s dressed up in old clothes and appears to be having a high old time. It’s that time of year…
So what with the Pires not having signed a new deal, the Percy being in the clink and the Cole thing still bubbling under, the boss has got his work cut out over the next month or so.
Re: The latter – With the Chelski having now officially signed left-back Derek “Del” Horno, that’s one channel now officially closed for Cole. If he wants to leave, it’s now going to have to be abroad.
We’ve got all that excitement to come.
Guti? Bless you.
Please, please, please someone, somewhere give us some good news. At this rate we are going to have to replace half of our attack before we can even begin to start strengthening – although Jose’s agent stating that he wants to sign a contract extension isn’t bad for a start. However there is no need to worry kids because remember Arsene knows!!!
Really enjoy your updates and todays headline or should I say redline is top drawer – the Sun will be looking to head hunt you .
Next season please can we have – a right back a right winger and a right result for Lord Persie.
Isn’t it boring at the moment, I can’t stand it!
Do you think that due to the lack of news, there are things happening or…..due to lack of news there is nothing happening?
Guti….you must be joking!! 12 million, even bigger joke! I have only ever seen him come on as a sub for Real Madrid, he is kept out of their staring line up by Thomas Gravesen for God sake! Anyway, I would stake my house on the fact we are absolutely not interested. (hope I don’t have to eat my words!!)
A couple of months back I was really looking forward to the summer, what with the title having gone & all, especially as the board & wenger were saying there was good money to spend & that they would be signing quality this time. However when I heard that dreaded statement at the end of the season by wenger about how we did not need any new players & he would only buy if something exceptional came up I realised that it was all a big hoax & that no money was available either that or wenger is living in cloud cuckoo land cos everyman & his dog can see we need a much bigger squad with some world class players added.
The fixtures are out tomorrow & I cannot even get excited about it cos like all fans I want to see some new players at the club or we are in for a rough season. Although we won the FA cup I dont think any fan can be proud of the way the team performed in the final & for wenger to say he had to play like that because we didnt have as much attacking talent available as usual is really poor. The only player out was Henry & while he is an outstanding player its terrible that we have to rely on him that much, that one performance alone says how much we need new players especially a creative goalscorer. Even when we played southampton in the final a couple of years ago they managed to get a couple of shots on target.
I just hope that wenger really has been kidding us all & that he is or has lined up some deals. Unfortunately in the past when he has been so definate about not buying players he really hasn’t (apart from the odd youngster). Our only real signing in the past 3 years has been Reyes so its about time arsenal bought at least 1 real flair player to get us going again. I think arsenal do things the right way like not buying players through the press, they keep it all quiet & whilst its annoying as we never hear anything it is the right way. The problem being that I would still be excited if I believed arsenal were after players even if we were not hearing anything, but wenger took that excitement away with those words ‘when you look at the team, we do not need anybody’. That to me says we are in for a long boring summer, apart from hearing who is going to leave the club!!!
Why don’t we just pay stuttgart the damn &8mm and get Hleb???
We are in trouble for midfield…Edu gone…pires going….freddie sulking…
It is increadibly boring to wait for Mr. Wenger’s slow moves….look at Man U and Chelsea. Already have new players on board.
Also get Owen…..
Maybe Upson back or Gallas who seems to be frozen out at chelski
Arsenal just do things quietly not blagging things around the media, we just have to be patient.
The club has already got it’s hands full negotiating with the existing squad, a new contract for Henry (only 2 years left hence the interest from Barca and Madrid), Gilberto, Cole and Pires.
I think if the club are offering Aliadiere a new contract they think RvP ain’t going to be available next season.
Chelsea buying Del Horno for £8m shows the true worth of left backs, not the £20m that the Club thought Cole was worth.
I expect Hleb to arrive once Stuttgart realise Chelsea aren’t going to pay big bucks and get more realistic over price.
Given that a number of the younger players will not have a break this close season; Fabregas is still playing for Spain in the world youth championships. Also Alumina will be playing in our first two Champions League games unless we buy a new keeper as Lehmann is suspended.
BOngo et al- good morning folks!
Geoff – you are making me feel depressed!
I agree with The Alsatian (Wengers’) assertion in that we only a need a couple of players to enhance the team overall.
It looks like Hleb.(1) , An understudy goalkeeper ( possibly a tall belgian ! (2).) and a versitaile forward player with height – Kuyt or Ashton,(3)
People have to be patient.
Why does it matter WHEN you sign the bleeding player! The first game against Bolton is not until August.
These new 3 players allied to the magnificent talents of : Eboue, Sendersos, Clichy, Cesc, Flamini, Reyes, RVP and Allierdere and many more hidden away In the Alsatian’s lab will mean a great forthcoming season.
Some people are too spoilt! (Geoffery)
And they will look scintillating in their new Blackcurrant attire!
Bongo et al
Well Bongo, I never believed I would say this but I actually agree totally!
Well said I believe.
Wenger is in Gemany at the mo so not much will happen till at least end the month.
Come on boy’s the man’s on holiday let him return before we write off the coming season!!!
there was a post yesterday about us nearly signing guti 2 years ago – but he decided to stay with real.
really dont like this time of year – full of agents and bullshit etc.
Bongo, I admit I am spoiled since wenger has been here & even under Graham whilst the football was not great we were spoiled for success. Your also right that is does not matter when the players are signed however I did say that in the article if you read it again, the point I made was that wenger had said we did not need anyone so the longer it goes on now the less I feel we will get anyone. Also arsenal are back for pre season training on the 4th July & soon thereafter go to austria, once again wenger has stated in the past he likes to have his squad in place by pre season training cos he likes to concentrate on the season ahead then not buying new players, so he does not have until august on those terms he only has 12 days.
If our team is so good with so many great youngsters why was we so comprehensively outplayed by man utd in the final & lets be honest it was there youngsters in rooney & ronaldo that made the difference so you cannot say ours were too young. Our team is better than most but not as good as the better teams, like chelsea & man utd. Even liverpool murdered us at anfield our first & only shot that day was the goal.
As arsenal have the most expensive season tickets in the premiership us fans are entitled to watch the best players!! The minute we make an exciting signing I will come back here & admit I was totally wrong until then I am entitled to my opinion!!
I thought Geoffs comments a bit depressing as well….blimey we’re not that bad are we!!!???
Are we saying that we want Hleb now, that didn’t seem the concensus of opinion a little while ago. I’ve still got no opinion as I’ve not seen himplay but I don’t want to buy him just because chavski and manure have bought players.
When you think about it, like Geoff said, Reyes has been our only biggish signing for a couple of seasons now so I feel we do need a biggun, what ever position, it would show we mean business and still believe we can go on and win it again, we really aren’t that far away, one big superstar signing might just do the trick.
Last season at THOF has got to be a memorable one.
The days of Arsenal signing buckets loads of players are gone for good!
They have a conveyor belt of talent coming through at LOndon Colney.
If you look at the last couple of seasons – they spent ‘their budget’ on updating wages and keeping the squad intact.
It is the same this season- Eg, Reyes, RVP, senderos, Allierdere et al.
They will buy probably a max. of 4 players in one calendar year..
Other prodigious talents I omitted are:
Bentley, Quincy, Lupoli, Toure, Cole(?) and much more.
Under The Alsatian we truly witnessing A FOOTBALLING MIRACLE!
BOngo et al
TO geoffery- i take your points on board.
I agree with your assumption of being outplayed by The Mancs, etc.
But that was not because of talent but because of the tactics!
As for being murdered at anfield correct again- so what – The Bangladeshies just beat the Aussies in cricket.
One off games happen!
Theres’ a chemist down Holloway road – i know- it sells pungent PROZAC.
bongo et al
Bongo, its just the way i feel mate, it is a lovely day & I wish I were an optomist, unfortunately I am not. Prozac sounds good right now then maybe I would start looking forward to the new season.
One question though where did you get that we are playing bolton?? am i missing something??
As I said i will be delighted to come on here & admit I have got it all totally wrong if we make one real exciting signing.
bomgo et al -gets all the exclusives!
put it this way =here is another. If they get Hleb then they will go for
dean ashton .
Bongo et al
We could go the Spurs way and buy every available player. ;o)
Would you go for Dean Ashton or Andy Johnson?
Goalkeeper what about Nemi?
Geoff, chill out man. When does Arsene ever say “I’ve got money bburning a hole in my pocket and I sure as hell am going to spend it”? As I recall about a week before signing Reyes he said “We’re not in the market”. The only time Arsene is untruthful is when it comes to talking about tranfers and when he pretends not to see his players misbehaving on the pitch. I hope he keeps it like that because keeping stum about impending transfers is the only way of keeping the price down and of stopping that evil, greedy scumbag from Russia from stealing our targets. Keep the faith. I believe Arsene will sign an experienced striker or attacking midefielder. PErhaps he thinks that Aliadiere is now an able understufy for TH14?
Heres some big names to appease Jeff.
Giovanni Van Bronkhurst (£8.5 million)
Slyvain Wiltord (£11 million)
David Platt (£ 5 million)
All been mediocre signings at best.
Our London Colney Infrastructure is so refined and talented. Only signings that offer something different are required.
Eg Hleb or Ashton
BOngo et al
Have faith in “The Man”, the real chosen one. I reckon he’s up to something.
Out of all the rumours , what there are of them, the only one I’m not happy about is Robbie leaving us. Even when not playing well he still comes up with an important goal or two. Freddie used to but has gone off the boil somewhat, and all those injuries, still rather he stayed though. Cole has been done to death.
Vince – me old chum – I think you are getting warm!
The Alsatian has defintely got a new radical plan up his sleeve.
We know this – because for the first time in his tenure- he changed tactics (this FA Cup final ) on behest of the oppo.
A TALL striker definitely is coming.
And I think the BERGKAMP AND LLUNBERG axis is obsolete.
Hleb is a crosser supreme – and the left side of the team albiet slightly predictable is well stocked.
Bongo et al
Bongo, those players (platt apart) were certainly not world class, unfortunately we got platt at the wrong time in his career but he certainly helped our younger players at that time. Top quality does cost big money especially if a club like arsenal want them. How many of wengers signings have gone on to be a success like vieira?? I dont care what people say about henry he was class before he joined us, I remember watching him ruin man utd in a champions league game for monaco & lets face it Juventus did not buy him for no reason.
I dont expect or even want him to bring a load of players in just two or three with one of them being someone who can get the crowd going, someone like Baptiste or Torres.
I ask you was wenger that scared of man utd just because henry was not playing?? you say it was not the players but the tactics I cant agree cos bolton play that way & manage to score goals or at least create chances & surely our players are better than theirs. If he had to change our tactics on that day just because henry was missing then to me he does not trust the other players he has in that position or throughout the team against the better opposition.
greetings arse fans because the Arse dont seem to be doing nothing in the transfer market A.W. will be doing his stuff quietly we do not need to have a bloody fanfare everytime we go looking for players,lets not buy players for the sake of it just a bit of fine tuning is all thats needed.
There are some plums contributing to this fine web site!
And Yes, Geoffery I am thinking of you.
Have you found that chemist yet?
you must be of fallow character- if you are craving for big names.
I do not care if they are big names or not.
I want quality, hungry focused athletes playing for The Arsenal.
Bongo et al
i agree with Bongo you dont always need big names PSV are a fine example a good honest hardworking team big names can bring ego’s and excess baggage if they give their all for Arsenal then you can ask no more.
Just like to wish goodnight to all other contributors/friends.
Fixtures come out tomorrow. You should all know by now who we are playing first game of the season .
AFC V Bolton-
Sweet dreams. (especially to Rachel)
Bongo et al
Bongo, just read that the leaked ffirst day fixtures are all wrong, we will see>