Money, Goals & 17 Days Off

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Given that my mind goes a bit skew-whiff when it attempts to manipulate numbers (I break out into a sweat doing Sudoku), I’m not going to comment too much on Arsenal’s financial figures, you’ll be glad to hear. Huge cash reserves (flattering, says Mr Edelman), massive debt (need to refinance that baby, says Mr Edelman), and that’s about all I got before my mind went predictably blank.

On the footballing front, the ludicrously prolific Arthur Lupoli nabbed what seems like his fifteenth hat-trick for the reserves last night, but though he might have grabbed the headlines, it was good to note that Sol Campbell played the whole ninety minutes. So long as he didn’t pick up another injury, then one or two more reserve games are all he’ll need before returning, which is great news for us. A lot of praise has been (justifiably) heaped on Phil Senderos since his emergence, but Campbell is still one of England’s finest defenders, lest we forget.

And that’s all I can muster this international week. After a 17-day mini-break, our season resumes on Saturday against Boro.


Arsenal since about 1979. Thick, thin and all that.