Je Suis Back

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Ah, crap. I was feeling relatively refreshed following my week roaming the blog wilderness, but now I’m back at work and, quite frankly, I’d rather not be.

What have I missed in my absence? The opening of the new ground, that’s what, and judging by the first-hand testimonies I’ve heard (first hand), to use a construction industry term it’s an absolute humdinger. My seat, I am reliably told by the bottom that sat in it, is a good-un, so it’s fair to say I’m looking forward to the first competitive game there.

How did it feel to see Pat Vieira in the old red-and-white? If felt right, that’s what it felt. Given that we need experience in that department, and that he’d cost less than the price of one Sylvanian Witless, it’s got to be an option, but only if the player himself would be amenable to a return.

Frankly, it’s an unlikely turn of events, but something needs to happen to stem the haemorrhaging of experience at Arsenal this summer. Bergkamp’s retired, Sol’s been ‘released’, Pires has had a free transfer and now, of course, Mr Tweedy is off to earn more money with the Russians.

Talk this morning is that Arsenal are playing hard-to-get over the fee. I can’t see the fannying about going on much longer though – I suspect Wenger and everyone else would rather now wash their hands of him and move on. I certainly would.

As I mentioned, when it finally happens it will be the most spectacular fall from grace Arsenal fans have seen for some time. And on a practical level, the loss of a very, very good player.

I’ve been on holiday for a week so most of my general venom and bile has dissipated. If Mr Tweedy wants to leave, then let him – and let’s move on.

Sensible and wise words, I’m sure you’ll agree.



Arsenal since about 1979. Thick, thin and all that.